Simultaneous interpreting

Interpreting which takes place almost simultaneously with the speaker is called simultaneous. This type of interpreting requires two interpreters for each language combination, who take turns to speak.

Simultaneous interpreting also requires special interpreting equipment – we will be happy to help you choose the equipment you will need.

If interpreting is required for only a few people (usually 1-3), “whispering” can be provided. In this case, the interpreter interprets without equipment and instead sits next to the client or clients and interprets what is said directly.

In order for interpreting to take place at the highest possible level, interpreters must be provided with documents in order to prepare in advance.

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Opening hours Mo–Fri 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM

Překladex s.r.o.
Revoluční 1963/6 - 3rd floor
110 00  Praha 1

IČ: 09167072
DIČ: CZ09167072

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